OBJECTIVES: To discuss the idea of multiple layering in datacommunication and networking and the interrelationship betweenlayers. To discuss the OSI model and its layer architecture and toshow the interface between the layers. To briefly discuss thefunctions of each layer in the OSI model. To introduce the TCP/IPprotocol suite and compare its layers with the ones in the OSImodel. To show the functionality of each layer in the TCP/IPprotocol with some examples.
Tcp ip protocol suite forouzan 4th edition ppt Chapter
2-3 TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUITEThe TCP/IP protocol suite was developedprior to the OSI model. Therefore, the layers in the TCP/IPprotocol suite do not match exactly with those in the OSI model.The original TCP/IP protocol suite was defined as four softwarelayers built upon the hardware. Today, however, TCP/IP is thoughtof as a five-layer model with the layers named similarly to theones in the OSI model. Figure 2.7 shows both configurations. 2ff7e9595c