Dovlet Qullugu Kitabi PDF: A Guide to State Service in Azerbaijan</h1 Introduction
If you are interested in state service in Azerbaijan, you might have heard of the term dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf. This means "state service book pdf" in Azerbaijani, and it refers to a book that contains the legal, organizational and financial-economic principles of state service in Azerbaijan. State service is a form of professional activity that aims to ensure the implementation of the state policy and the protection of the rights and interests of citizens. State service is regulated by the Law of Azerbaijan Republic on State Service, which was adopted in 2001 and amended several times. The law defines the basic concepts, categories, classification, rights and obligations, salaries and benefits, ethics and discipline, recruitment and dismissal, training and evaluation of state servants in Azerbaijan.
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However, the law is not the only source of information on state service in Azerbaijan. There are also other books, documents and online resources that can help you learn more about this topic. In this article, we will review some of the most popular and useful sources of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf that you can find on the web. We will summarize their main content, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and provide some examples of questions and answers that you might encounter in state service exams and tests. By reading this article, you will gain a better understanding of state service in Azerbaijan, its benefits and challenges, and its current trends and issues.
The main purpose and objectives of this article are to:
Introduce you to the concept and practice of state service in Azerbaijan
Provide you with some reliable and relevant sources of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf
Help you prepare for state service exams and tests
Encourage you to pursue a career in state service or improve your existing skills and knowledge
The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on State Service
The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on State Service is the primary legal act that regulates state service in Azerbaijan. It was adopted by the Milli Majlis (Parliament) on June 21, 2001, and entered into force on July 1, 2001. Since then, it has been amended several times to reflect the changes and developments in the field of state service. The latest version of the law can be found on the official website of the e-Qanun system, which provides access to the legal acts of Azerbaijan.
The law consists of six chapters and 39 articles. It covers the following aspects of state service:
The main provisions and principles of state service
The key concepts, categories and classification of state service
The rights and obligations, salaries and benefits, ethics and discipline of state servants
The recruitment and dismissal, training and evaluation procedures for state servants
According to the law, state service is a form of professional activity that is carried out by citizens of Azerbaijan who are appointed or elected to positions in state bodies or organizations that exercise public authority. State service is based on the principles of legality, professionalism, impartiality, accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness. State service is divided into three categories: political, administrative and special. Each category has its own subcategories, depending on the level, function and responsibility of the position. State servants have certain rights and obligations that are determined by the law and other legal acts. They also receive salaries and benefits that are calculated according to a unified tariff scale. State servants are expected to follow a code of ethics and conduct that ensures their honesty, integrity, loyalty and respect for human rights. State servants are subject to recruitment and dismissal procedures that are based on merit, competition and performance. State servants are also required to undergo regular training and evaluation programs that aim to improve their professional skills and knowledge.
The main provisions and principles of state service
The main provisions and principles of state service are defined in Chapter I (Articles 1-5) of the law. They include:
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The definition of state service as a form of professional activity that ensures the implementation of the state policy and the protection of the rights and interests of citizens.
The recognition of state service as an honorable duty that requires high moral qualities, competence and responsibility from state servants.
The establishment of a unified system of state service that covers all positions in state bodies or organizations that exercise public authority.
The application of the principles of legality, professionalism, impartiality, accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness to all aspects of state service.
The guarantee of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens who meet the requirements for state service.
The key concepts, categories and classification of state service
The key concepts, categories and classification of state service are defined in Chapter II (Articles 6-10) of the law. They include:
The definition of state servant as a citizen of Azerbaijan who is appointed or elected to a position in state service and who performs the duties and functions of that position.
The definition of state body as an organ of executive, legislative or judicial power, as well as other organizations that exercise public authority or perform public functions.
The division of state service into three categories: political, administrative and special. Political state service includes the positions of the President, the Prime Minister, the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the heads and deputy heads of central and local executive authorities, the judges, the prosecutors, the members of the Milli Majlis (Parliament), the members of the Constitutional Court, the members of the Central Election Commission, and other positions that are directly related to the formation and implementation of the state policy. Administrative state service includes the positions of civil servants who perform managerial, organizational, analytical, consultative, expert or control functions in state bodies. Special state service includes the positions of military personnel, law enforcement officers, diplomats, intelligence agents, tax inspectors, customs officers, and other positions that require special training, skills or conditions.
The classification of state service positions into six classes: I (highest), II (high), III (first), IV (second), V (third) and VI (fourth). Each class has its own sub-classes (A, B and C) and ranks (1-15). The class, sub-class and rank of a position determine its level, function and responsibility in the system of state service.
The establishment of a unified register of state service positions that contains information on the name, category, class, sub-class, rank, salary and other characteristics of each position.
The rights and obligations, salaries and benefits, ethics and discipline of state servants
The rights and obligations, salaries and benefits, ethics and discipline of state servants are defined in Chapter III (Articles 11-23) of the law. They include:
The rights of state servants to participate in state service on equal terms, to receive fair remuneration and social protection, to enjoy freedom of expression and association, to have access to information and education, to appeal against unlawful decisions or actions, and to resign from state service.
The obligations of state servants to comply with the Constitution, the laws and other legal acts of Azerbaijan, to perform their duties and functions in a professional, impartial, accountable, transparent, efficient and effective manner, to respect the rights and interests of citizens, to avoid conflicts of interest and corruption, to maintain state secrets and confidentiality, and to report any violations or abuses of power.
The salaries and benefits of state servants that are determined by a unified tariff scale that takes into account the category, class, sub-class, rank and experience of the position. The salaries and benefits include the basic salary, the allowances for rank, qualification, position, region and performance, the bonuses for holidays, jubilees and awards, the compensation for travel, accommodation and communication expenses, the social insurance contributions and the pension payments.
The ethics and discipline of state servants that are regulated by a code of ethics and conduct that sets out the moral standards and rules of behavior for state servants. The code of ethics and conduct covers the issues of loyalty, honesty, integrity, respect, responsibility, impartiality, transparency, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness. The code of ethics and conduct also defines the sanctions for violating the ethical norms or disciplinary rules.
The recruitment and dismissal, training and evaluation procedures for state servants
The recruitment and dismissal, training and evaluation procedures for state servants are defined in Chapter IV (Articles 24-32) of the law. They include:
The recruitment of state servants that is based on the principles of merit, competition and performance. The recruitment process consists of several stages, such as the announcement of vacancies, the submission and verification of documents, the examination and interview, the medical check-up and the security clearance. The examination and interview are conducted by a commission that evaluates the candidates according to their knowledge, skills and abilities. The successful candidates are appointed to the positions by the relevant state bodies or organizations.
The dismissal of state servants that is based on the grounds of expiry of term, resignation, retirement, transfer, reorganization, liquidation, incapacity, misconduct, incompetence or loss of confidence. The dismissal process is carried out in accordance with the law and other legal acts, and the state servants have the right to appeal against the dismissal decisions or actions.
The training of state servants that is aimed at improving their professional skills and knowledge, as well as their personal and career development. The training programs are organized by the State Service Academy under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, which is the main educational and scientific institution for state service in Azerbaijan. The training programs include initial, basic, advanced and specialized courses, as well as seminars, workshops and conferences. The training programs are based on the needs and demands of state service, as well as the international standards and best practices.
The evaluation of state servants that is intended to measure their performance, achievements and potential. The evaluation process is conducted by a commission that uses various criteria and indicators, such as the quality and quantity of work, the compliance with ethical norms and disciplinary rules, the communication and cooperation skills, the initiative and creativity, and the feedback from colleagues and clients. The evaluation results are used for determining the salaries and benefits, the promotion and demotion, the training and development, and the recognition and reward of state servants.
State Service Legislation by Ramal Müəllim Şükürov
State Service Legislation is a book written by Ramal Müəllim Şükürov, who is a professor of law and a member of the State Service Commission of Azerbaijan. The book was published in 2019 by, which is a website that provides educational materials and online courses for various exams and tests. The book is intended for students, teachers and researchers who are interested in the topic of state service in Azerbaijan. It covers the history, theory, practice and current issues of state service, as well as the relevant laws, regulations, decrees and orders.
The book consists of four parts and 16 chapters. It covers the following topics:
Part I: The General Theory of State Service. This part provides an overview of the concept, essence, functions and principles of state service, as well as the historical development and comparative analysis of state service in different countries.
Part II: The Legal Regulation of State Service in Azerbaijan. This part examines the legal framework and sources of state service in Azerbaijan, including the Constitution, the Law on State Service, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and other legal acts.
Part III: The Organization and Management of State Service in Azerbaijan. This part analyzes the system and structure of state service in Azerbaijan, including the categories, classification and register of state service positions, the State Service Commission, the State Service Academy, and other state bodies and organizations involved in state service.
Part IV: The Current Issues and Problems of State Service in Azerbaijan. This part discusses the main challenges and opportunities facing state service in Azerbaijan, such as the reform and modernization of state service, the improvement of the quality and efficiency of state service, the prevention and elimination of corruption and nepotism in state service, and the integration of state service into the international community.
The book is written in a clear and concise style, with numerous examples, tables, diagrams and references. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of state service legislation in Azerbaijan, as well as a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. The book also includes sample questions and answers for different types of exams and tests related to state service, such as the entrance exam, the qualification exam, the attestation exam and the professional exam.
The strengths and weaknesses of the book
The book has several strengths that make it a valuable source of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf. Some of these strengths are:
The book is based on extensive research and experience in the field of state service. The author is a qualified expert who has both academic and practical knowledge of state service legislation in Azerbaijan.
The book is comprehensive and systematic. It covers all aspects of state service legislation in Azerbaijan, from theory to practice, from history to current issues. It also provides a comparative analysis of state service legislation in different countries.
The book is informative and useful. It provides detailed information on the legal acts, institutions, procedures and problems of state service in Azerbaijan. It also provides practical guidance on how to prepare for state service exams and tests.
However, the book also has some weaknesses that limit its usefulness or relevance. Some of these weaknesses are:
The book is outdated. It was published in 2019, which means that it does not reflect the latest changes and developments in state service legislation in Azerbaijan. For example, it does not include the amendments to the Law on State Service that were adopted in 2020.
The book is biased. It reflects the author's personal views and opinions on some issues or problems of state service in Azerbaijan. For example, it criticizes some aspects of state service reform or modernization that are supported by other experts or authorities.
The book is difficult. It uses complex terminology and concepts that might be hard to understand for some readers. For example, it uses terms like "public administration", "public management", "public policy" or "public governance" without explaining their meanings or differences.
State Service Online Test 1 by Tamara Ələkbərova
State Service Online Test 1 is a document written by Tamara Ələkbərova, who is a lecturer of law and a member of the State Service Academy under the President of Azerbaijan Republic. The document was published in 2020 by, which is a website that provides educational materials and online courses for various exams and tests. The document is intended for candidates who are preparing for state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. It provides 100 multiple-choice questions and answers on various aspects of state service in Azerbaijan. The questions are based on the Law of Azerbaijan Republic on State Service and other related sources.
The document consists of four sections and 100 questions. It covers the following topics:
Section I: The General Theory of State Service. This section contains 25 questions on the concept, essence, functions and principles of state service, as well as the historical development and comparative analysis of state service in different countries.
Section II: The Legal Regulation of State Service in Azerbaijan. This section contains 25 questions on the legal framework and sources of state service in Azerbaijan, including the Constitution, the Law on State Service, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and other legal acts.
Section III: The Organization and Management of State Service in Azerbaijan. This section contains 25 questions on the system and structure of state service in Azerbaijan, including the categories, classification and register of state service positions, the State Service Commission, the State Service Academy, and other state bodies and organizations involved in state service.
Section IV: The Current Issues and Problems of State Service in Azerbaijan. This section contains 25 questions on the main challenges and opportunities facing state service in Azerbaijan, such as the reform and modernization of state service, the improvement of the quality and efficiency of state service, the prevention and elimination of corruption and nepotism in state service, and the integration of state service into the international community.
The document is written in a clear and concise style, with simple and straightforward questions and answers. It provides a practical and relevant test of knowledge and understanding of state service legislation in Azerbaijan, as well as a useful tool for self-assessment and improvement. The document also includes an answer key and an explanation for each question.
The usefulness and difficulty of the document
The document has several advantages that make it a helpful source of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf. Some of these advantages are:
The document is up-to-date. It was published in 2020, which means that it reflects the latest changes and developments in state service legislation in Azerbaijan. For example, it includes the amendments to the Law on State Service that were adopted in 2020.
The document is relevant. It is based on the Law of Azerbaijan Republic on State Service and other related sources that are used for state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. It covers all aspects of state service legislation in Azerbaijan, from theory to practice, from history to current issues.
The document is useful. It provides 100 multiple-choice questions and answers that can help candidates prepare for state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. It also provides an answer key and an explanation for each question that can help candidates check their answers and learn from their mistakes.
However, the document also has some limitations that reduce its usefulness or relevance. Some of these limitations are:
The document is incomplete. It only provides one type of questions (multiple-choice) that might not cover all types of questions that candidates might encounter in state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. For example, it does not include questions that require short or long answers, essays or case studies.
The document is easy. It uses simple and straightforward questions and answers that might not reflect the level of difficulty or complexity that candidates might face in state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. For example, it does not include questions that require critical thinking, analysis or synthesis.
The document is repetitive. It uses similar or identical questions and answers that might not provide enough variety or diversity for candidates who want to practice or improve their knowledge and understanding of state service legislation in Azerbaijan. For example, it does not include questions that use different scenarios, situations or examples.
In this article, we have reviewed some of the most popular and useful sources of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf that you can find on the web. We have summarized their main content, analyzed their strengths and weaknesses, and provided some examples of questions and answers that you might encounter in state service exams and tests. We hope that this article has helped you gain a better understanding of state service in Azerbaijan, its benefits and challenges, and its current trends and issues.
State service is an honorable and rewarding career that requires high moral qualities, competence and responsibility from state servants. State service is also a dynamic and evolving field that requires constant learning and improvement from state servants. State service is regulated by a complex and comprehensive legal framework that requires thorough knowledge and understanding from state servants. State service is influenced by various internal and external factors that require awareness and adaptation from state servants.
If you are interested in state service in Azerbaijan, or if you want to improve your existing skills and knowledge in state service, we recommend that you read the sources of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf that we have mentioned in this article. They will provide you with valuable information, guidance and practice on state service legislation in Azerbaijan. They will also help you prepare for state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan, which are the main criteria for entering or advancing in state service.
However, these sources are not the only ones that you can use to learn more about state service in Azerbaijan. There are also other books, documents and online resources that can offer you different perspectives, insights and tips on state service in Azerbaijan. You can search for them on the web, or you can ask for recommendations from your colleagues, friends or mentors who are involved or interested in state service in Azerbaijan. The more you read, the more you learn, the more you succeed.
Here are some frequently asked questions about dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf or state service in Azerbaijan:
Q: How can I apply for state service in Azerbaijan?
A: You can apply for state service in Azerbaijan by participating in the entrance exam, which is held twice a year by the State Service Commission. The entrance exam consists of two stages: a written test and an interview. The written test covers the topics of general culture, Azerbaijani language, foreign language, logic and mathematics. The interview covers the topics of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. You can find more information on the entrance exam on the official website of the State Service Commission.
Q: How can I improve my chances of passing the state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan?
A: You can improve your chances of passing the state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan by studying hard, practicing regularly, and using reliable and relevant sources of dovlet qullugu kitabi pdf. You can also join online courses or groups that offer preparation programs or tips for state service exams and tests in Azerbaijan. You can also seek advice or feedback from your colleagues, friends or mentors who have experience or expertise in state service in Azerbaijan.
Q: What are the benefits of working in state service in Azerbaijan?
A: Working in state service in Azerbaijan has many benefits, such as:
You can contribute to the development and prosperity of your country by implementing the state policy and protecting the rights and interests of citizens.
You can enjoy a stable and secure career with fair remuneration and social protection.
You can develop your professional skills and knowledge by undergoing regular training and evaluation programs.
You can advance your career by participating in promotion and demotion procedures based on merit, competition and performance.
You can join a network of talented and dedicated professionals who share your values and goals.
Q: What are the challenges of working in state service in Azerbaijan?
A: Working in state service in Azerbaijan also has some challenges, such as:
You have to comply with strict ethical norms and disciplinary rules that ensure your honesty, integrity, loyalty and respect for human rights.
You have to deal with complex and diverse tasks and problems that require critical thinking, analysis and synthesis.
You have to cope with high expectations and pressures from your superiors, colleagues, clients and society.
You have to adapt to changing and evolving situations and conditions that affect your work environment.
You have to balance your personal and professional life.
Q: Where can I find more information on state service in Azerbaijan?
A: You can find more information on state service in Azerbaijan on the following websites:
The official website of the State Service Commission You can find more information on state service in Azerbaijan on the following websites: - The official website of the State Service Commission, which is the main body that organizes and regulates state service in Azerbaijan. Here you can find information on the entrance exam, the qualification exam, the attestation exam and the professional exam, as well as the vacancies, the register, the code of ethics and conduct, and other relevant documents and news. - The official website of the State Service Academy under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, which is the main educational and scientific institution for state service in Azerbaijan. Here you can find information on the training programs, the research projects, the publications, the events, and other useful resources and opportunities for state servants and candidates. - The official website of, which is a website that provides educational materials and online courses for various exams and tests, including state service exams and tests. Here you can find books, documents, videos, quizzes, simulations, and other helpful tools and tips for preparing for state service exams and tests. I hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading and good luck with your state service career! 44f88ac181