A lot of the more extensive mods are still heavily in development, so I've steered clear of most total conversions (aside from one that I couldn't not highlight) and stuck to more general upgrades and rules for your kings and queens.I wouldn't mod CK3 too heavily just yet. The developers are pretty active, and there can be some lag between the game and the mods that follow, so I wouldn't download every file linked in this list in a single game. But picking a couple and rolling your own royalty should be fine.
download crusader kings 2 ruler designer
The designer is part of a quest chain that you access with F8 and selecting "Trigger Character Design Event Chain". Completing it kills off your current ruler and kills or disinherits immediate dynasty members, so you should do it right at the start of a game.
To access the Barbershop, just right-click on a character and click the little shears icon to the right of their name in the contextual menu that pops up. There are a ton of options for customizing your ruler and their court, and there are more coming. For those that purchased the Royal Edition of Crusader Kings 3 or who bought the expansion pass, you can already download the Fashion of the Abbasid Court DLC, which adds Middle Eastern and North African outfits to the game. There will also likely be more cosmetic packs coming as well as outfits included as part of upcoming expansions.
In my earlier post I explained how to alter the ruler designer in Crusader Kings 2 to remove the age restrictions. Many have pointed out that there are mods that already do this or that add new traits that can be picked up to just decrease the age. These discussions led me to think that the only advantage to my method is that, with a bit of extra tweaking, we could enable Iron Mode with achievements even if the ruler designer has been used. I sort of successfully tested this hypothesis and went a step further than that. The result is a pretty impressive. With this simple hack, everyone can now turn on the Ironman mode and have the Steam achievements enabled.
I needed a starting point. It appears that the game has a variable that says if the Ironman mode is selected or not. By simply searching for zeroes and ones after enabling and disabling the Ironman mode back and forth, I found the memory address of that variable. Then I set a memory access breakpoint on it to see which code reads or writes to that variable. By doing this and then toggling the Ironman mode once again, I find where the relevant code interested in this variable is. Surely, the logic on whether to enable or disable achievements has to be somewhere in that code. The steps I took thus far were very similar to the methods described in my previous post about hacking the ruler designer.
hey codex did download ur Crusader.Kings.II.Jade.Dragon-CODEX its installed fine ad runs smoothly thanxs for it but I have a problem too there is no dlc works not even ruler designer ad not even jade dragon dlc plzzz help me to activate all of them regards on of loyal fan .
Hi. Do you know if there is a way to unlock the GoA traits for ruler designer to have full-on customization? I have found a mod called "GoA: Unlimited" but it's from 2019 and doesn't seem to work 100% reading from the comments. 2ff7e9595c